JCL was updated to fix a bug reported by Dr. Kudryashov
A comparison between JCL (heuristic algorithm) and exact solution algorithm (brute-force search), "mbidf" and "mbpsf", in bandwidth reduction has been made. To see significant difference between heuristic algorithm and exact solution algorithm, click
A comparison between JCL and GPS in bandwidth reduction has been made. There is no surprise JCL out-performs GPS in bandwidth reduction. In profile reduction, JCL also beats GPS.
To see comparisons, click
JCL is based on the article "Algorithms for reducing the bandwidth and profile of a sparse matrix", computers & structures, Vol. 44, no. 3, 1992. The original algorithm numbers vertices level by level. Vertices in a level may be disjointed. On level-by-level approach, conditions to number disjointed vertices cannot be alway pre-determined. Equation Solution has expanded the algorithm. JCL has a new scheme, that allows vertices to be numbered strip by strip. The new scheme in JCL can pre-determine conditions to number vertices disjointed in a level.