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    High Performance by Design
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Java Example

        This example applies a parallel band solver of LAIPE to solve a sparse symmetrtic system [A]{X}={B}. The class "csp" in package com.equation.laipe is applied. Parallel method "decompose_CSP_4" decomposes the matrix [A], and returns the result in the same space. Parallel method "substitute_CSP_4" performs backward and forward substitutions. Java example is as follows:

import com.equation.laipe.*;

public class example1
;  entry point
   public static void main(String args[])
      new example1();

; example that applies parallel band solver
   public example1()
   ; variables
      float[] a = null;
      int n = 0;
      int m = 0;
      int offsetA;
      int offsetX;
      int cpus;
      boolean noGood;

   ; order of system equation
      n = 10000; // assumed

   ; half bandwidth
      m = 600; // assumed

   ; memory distribution
      offsetA = -1;
      offsetX = offsetA+(n-1)*m+n;

   ; allocate memory space
      a = new float[offsetX+n+2];

   ; prepare the left side matrix
      // assumed the left side matrix starts
      // at offset offsetA in array a

   ; prepare the right side vector
      // assumed the right side vector starts
      // at offset offsetX in array a

   ; number of CPUs to run LAIPE solver
      cpus = 4; // assumed.

      // set number of CPUs for solver

   ; apply parallel band solver of LAIPE
      csp csp = new csp();

   ; decompose in parallel
      noGood = csp.decompose_CSP_4(a,offsetA,n,m);

   ; stop if the system is not positive definite
         System.out.println("Not positive definite system."

   ; substitute in parallel

   ; output result
      // statement to output result
